Transitioning from high school to college is not easy for many young adults. Freshman year is full of many “firsts”. Not only are students navigating a new, more challenging academic environment, but they are also learning how to live with...
It’s no secret, but Covid19 has had a grave impact on the ability of students to graduate from 2 or 4 year schools. A recent Gallup poll of 6,000 student from the fall of 2020 confirmed these assumptions, as 49%...
It’s amazing to consider, but 52% of young adults live with their parents at this point, it’s the highest percentage since the Great Depression! I guess looking around, the pandemic seems to have made this inevitable, but it’s still a...
Tips for college students dealing with Stress and Anxiety of Pandemic: 1. Know that it is okay to feel how you are feeling.It is normal during this crazy time to experience feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, anxiety, or all of...
Like many others I’d imagine, I’ve been watching the recent protests with much compassion. Coming from a background of white privilege, I don’t feel like I can say much about it, so I will leave it at this: the BLM...
According to report put out by the ACT, a college testing agency, the national average in the United States for college freshman retention rate in 65.7%. That means that roughly one third of college freshman in American colleges will not...
Tom was an overgrown boy, with shaggy brown hair creeping out of the sides of the baseball hat he usually donned, and a soft-spoken demeanor. He was intelligent in the analytical sense: he could readily solve a problem or a question...