Alliance Offers tutors with specialized training to help students who have alternative learning profiles. Our Tutors are experienced in tutoring to the most difficult cases.
Learning Differences
Alliance Tutoring Offers the Specialized Tutoring for Students with Learning Differences:
Alliance Tutoring offers academic tutoring and coaching for students with Anxiety and its related conditions, ASD, learning differences and ADHD:
Shorter in attention span and quicker to frustration, these students often struggle in traditional classroom structures. Alliance offers individualized instruction with experienced educators in a one-on-one format in home, in person, or online with the flexibility to assist students with these substantial challenges.
Learning Differences
Learning differences such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, or an auditory and visual processing disorder affect 20% of children today. Alliance’s individualized instruction with educators experienced in customizing teaching to suit different profiles can be extremely helpful in supporting a child’s needs.
Anxiety and its related conditions, such as perfectionism and OCD, frequently offer challenges for students in the classroom. Alliance tutors can help support the anxious student through exposure therapy, in conjunction with The Anxiety Institute, in addition to providing expert tutoring instruction.
*Scholarships available on sliding scale based on demonstrated need.