

Customized Blend of Academic Support and Mentoring

Alliance Tutoring seeks to help children, teenagers and young adults who are strained by the harsh realities of education. As we move through the pandemic, Alliance Tutors will help students navigate the difficult challenges and bridge the gap from their previous educational experience to the future to come.

Alliance caters specifically to the unique needs of each particular student, offering dynamic educators, mentors and academic coaches in one. Alliance tutors are experienced educators who have advanced degrees from highly competitive institutions and extensive experience in education, able to address even the most challenging cases by drawing on their backgrounds in working across the spectrum. They are warm and personable, forming close attachments with clients, developing the necessary rapport for personal and educational success.

  • Anxiety
  • Depression

*Percentage of students who presented anxiety or depression as their main reason for seeking help with school work. Source – American Psychological Association


Anxiety is a phenomenon that is on a seemingly vertical rise, currently with 264 million diagnosed cases worldwide, and it’s particularly prevalent with the onset of the Covid19 Pandemic. On a basic level, anxiety is an emotion that involves some combination of tension & worry related to the physiological “fight or flight” response.

Though it is uncomfortable, it is a normal response to life stresses and rouses the mind and body to combat threat.  However, when the extent of this response so greatly exceeds the level of threat, the effects can be crippling cognitively, emotionally and physically.  These manifestations, which frequently operate below the observable surface for a teen or young adult, can have detrimental effects on academic and life success.


Perfectionism is a common quality...

Perfectionism is a common quality of high functioning students and can become quite paralyzing if left unchecked and unconsidered.  The student can become so caught up in the quality of the work or the resulting grade that they find themselves unable to turn in work of any kind; they then fall behind, compounding the problem.  This degenerative cycle often leads to academic leave or drop-out if left unaddressed.


Students who struggle with social phobias...

Students who struggle with social phobias can often be so distracted by the surrounding context that they are unable to focus on their work in any meaningful way at all.  The mind is so caught up in what is happening with their peers and with teacher expectations for them that they have no bandwidth left to learn their actual academics, nor are the social preoccupations of any value to the student either.  Social phobia tends to get worse over time as the student moves from middle school into high school, where social preoccupations gradually become an increasingly important function of their lives.


In times of acute distress, students...

In times of acute distress, students can often fall off the academic track entirely.  Following the trauma, the student experiences, he or she typically misses extended amounts of time at school, challenging the student to catch up with schoolwork when least able.  They are also often faced with the challenge of intense therapy, which presents further obstacles to keeping up with their academics.  These situations can be quite a challenge to navigate for any teen or young adult, much less one in crisis.


Learning Differences often overlap...

Learning Differences often overlap with anxiety, and many in the field suggest that the two may even be inextricable.  When a student has a processing speed disorder, for example, the situation with academics can cause a great deal of stress, resulting in fears that often exceed the actual threat.  The student often feels self-conscious about their learning style, as well, compounding the issue presented in academics with social anxieties.  The results range from simple avoidance due to the discomfort to oppositional behavior and even school refusal in extreme cases.


Generalized anxiety, a very common disorder...

Generalized anxiety, a very common disorder, involves persistent worries about a great variety of things.  Students with this disorder may anticipate disaster and be overly preoccupied with school, social, athletic, or family life. The manifestations can be subtle, involving procrastination, isolation, restlessness, or difficulty concentrating.  In more intense cases, anxiety can even cause panic attacks and cognitive paralysis in contexts triggering the fear.  Another common threat with anxiety is the tendency for the student to turn to drugs and alcohol to escape the situation and treat their own discomfort.


Test anxiety is a prevalent...

Test anxiety is a prevalent condition for students today.  Worry about the results or performance on an assessment can be quite crippling.  The results can range from diminished scores to complete paralysis in the face of a challenging exam, especially a timed assessment.  Given the pervasive societal feedback that tests and exams are vital to life successes, these exaggerated fears can feel quite real.  Often re-setting and monitoring expectations is the key to unwinding these worries.  Gradual exposure to increasingly real simulations of the source of testing anxiety can facilitate incredible results over time.

Click here to learn more about our approaches and techniques for our students!

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Alliance tutoring, a collection of experienced educators with elite educational backgrounds, drawn from the private school circuit, aim to help these young people to regain their tread through a delicate balance of customized personal connection and academic tutoring, easing inner tensions and refocusing their lives.