HELPFUL TIP: This applies particularly to the SAT, which is notorious for “trap answers,” the ACT to lesser degree. On certain question types, it is wise to cover the answer choices (literally, like with your hand!) and predict the answer, write down that prediction (no, really!), then cross-check your prediction with the given choices. This would work well for vocabulary in context questions, for example. If you don’t do this, then the trap answers that allude to other parts of the passage, suggest other definitions related to prefixes or roots, or otherwise mislead you will lead you out into the woods with a handful of breadcrumbs. Don’t get eaten by the witch, dudes. It’s no way to go.

Relevant Story: Most people give this one lip service and don’t actually follow through with it. It takes discipline… and (sensing a theme here?) practice! You actually have to cover up the answers. If you’re really prone to suggestion, consider the merits of the ACT over SAT. Just cause the apple looks good, doesn’t mean it tastes good!