I often see a shortcoming in the instruction involved in integrating evidence in analytical essay in high school teaching. There is this notion that you have to have a complete sentence followed by a colon to introduce text. This understanding...
I’ve never had so much time, or so little. Social distancing has eliminated a lot of typical time draws: commuting, dropping kids off at school, running errands, shopping. It would seem a good time for mental accounting, and yet the...
Directly after the session, be sure to write down a quick summary of the session in the log that you’re using, or even just for your own records. It doesn’t necessarily have to be involved, even just a sentence or...
Schedule your sessions at least 24 hours in advance to avoid any confusion. Remind the student about their session through text or email beforehand. You can even invite them to the event through google calendar, which will help with reminding...
HELPFUL TIP: This applies particularly to the SAT, which is notorious for “trap answers,” the ACT to lesser degree. On certain question types, it is wise to cover the answer choices (literally, like with your hand!) and predict the answer,...
HELPFUL TIP: Avoid eating sugary or greasy foods on the day of the test, and limit what you eat a few days ahead of time. Ever had a stomach ache when you took a test? Doesn’t exactly make for ideal...
The kids were already out of school when the Coronavirus touched down, thank god. What’s funny is that its arrival was sort of announced when Tom Hanks announced he had contracted it and the day the NBA was suspended. Kind...
Cheryl Wilson, an assistant principal in Columbia, South Carolina perfectly captured the process of helping a teenager back on track with compassion in the following anecdote from her experience: My first year as an administrator, I encountered a young lady...
A boy’s mother got in touch with me one night in early December and asked me if I’d be available to tutor her boy for the coming ACT.  According to his mother, the boy (let’s call him Brian to protect the...