The below article is thought-provoking, particular as we weigh what to do with our three children entering the fall of 2020. The school they attend has plans for live schooling, but it will be stripped of the qualities that valued enough to send our children there in the first place for social distancing protocols. As we face the prospect of another semester of online education, like 60% of parents today are, finding quality online options seems all the more important. As early research demonstrates, some children will be left far, far behind grade level following this pandemic and some will be far, far ahead of their peers. It makes it all the more important to provide online educational resources to our children, to make this time an opportunity for pupation and not a disaster of decay.

5 Radical Schooling Ideas For An Uncertain Fall And Beyond

subscribe to Coronavirus Daily podcast There is no one answer for what the coming school year will look like, but it won’t resemble the fall of 2019. Wherever classrooms are open, there will likely be some form of social distancing and other hygiene measures in place that challenge traditional teaching and learning.