In early February there was a horrific incident involving OWN TV Host’s 16 year-old son. The boy suffered an accidental overdose taking Xanax, which turned out to be laced with Fentanyl. Among the many reasons it was shocking was that...
A recent commissioned study by the Chronicle of Higher Education determined that 55% of higher ed faculty are considering a switch to another career. Oddly enough, 33% of tenured professors, even, are considering a change. It goes to show the...
The Huffpost recently asked school counselors to speculate what the notable after effects for kids following the pandemic, a group uniquely in a position to predict the outcomes. Three areas emerged recurrently: 1. Being Stuck in ‘Survival Mode’: After being...
The Wall Street Journal recently published an article exploring the long term effects of the time students have lost in school. The effects, according to their findings, are going to be permanent, which should be of little surprise. Missing, for...
The Biden administration has determined that it will be re-instituting Standardized Testing for public schools across the country. No doubt the effort is led by concerns that kids who have not had access to supplementary educational tools have fallen behind,...
The pandemic has put a lot of parents across the country into a very difficult situation. School closures and the move to virtual learning has left their children listless and unengaged. But beyond their schoolwork, an even bigger issue is...
Though Dr. Fauci has largely remained clean from a public affection standpoint through the pandemic (miraculously), it seems he has found himself a target for angry parents hungry for their children to return to in-person learning as soon as possible....
My youngest son is about to turn two in a couple of months. He’s cute as all heck and equal parts a challenge. You pay fair price for love in parenting, but you get an infinite amount in return. He...
It’s no secret, but Covid19 has had a grave impact on the ability of students to graduate from 2 or 4 year schools. A recent Gallup poll of 6,000 student from the fall of 2020 confirmed these assumptions, as 49%...
We don’t often take on the mantle of suggesting products for coping with the demands of parenting in the age of Covid, but I thought it might be a useful digression, given how pervasive I think Seasonal Depression will be...